HCP, committed to sustainability to reduce the effects of climate change

Sustainability is an abstract concept which is worked on in a clear and palpable way in our architecture studio.
Sustainability is present in all of HCP's architectural projects, such as the Repsol Towers.

The term “sustainability” is not new, it has been on everyone’s lips for a long time. It applies to all sectors and can be experienced in every aspect of our lives. However, it is a concept that can sometimes seem abstract, which is precisely why not everyone understands it in the same way.

On the other hand, the pursuit of sustainability is clear, palpable and fundamental in urban developments and architectural projects. And so are the aspects that it helps to reduce, such as drought. An example of this is our work on the Repsol Towers. As drafters of their urbanisation project, including the design of a park of more than 70,000 square metres, we had to deal with the need for water to supply the second largest tree grove in Malaga. To provide a solution to this potential problem in a city with an average of 50 days of rain a year, we designed a water structure with the capacity to collect water before it was discharged into the public network, creating a large tank and independent pipes to supply irrigation.

For HCP, sustainability is lived and applied in all areas: perhaps the most obvious is environmental, but we also pursue and promote it (together with clients, administrations and collaborators) in economic and social matters. We try to ensure that it is not only a requirement “imposed” by regulations, but that all social actors understand it, and even require and enjoy it, as a contribution of real and tangible value.

Many thanks to El Español de Málaga for this magnificent article in which they show various HCP projects, such as this one at the Repsol Towers or the European Commission’s Research Centre in Seville (together with BIG) and how we are working to fight the effects of climate change.