Interview with Elena Pérez at NAN Arquitectura: “Our strategy is centered on the client’s experience, focusing on understanding their needs”.

NAN Architecture interview with Elena Perez of HCP

“The studio’s strategy is focused on the client experience”: Interview with Elena Perez Bernal

In a recent interview with NAN Arquitectura, Elena Pérez Bernal, Strategy Coordinator at HCP, shared her insight on the importance of a well-defined strategy and a good client experience in the studio’s success. Since her arrival in 2023, Elena has implemented innovative and efficient strategic approaches, optimizing processes and ensuring that each client’s needs are more than met.

With a strong background in Business Administration and Management (ADE) and International Relations (RRII), Elena has transferred her knowledge to HCP, focusing on efficiency and business strategy. Her previous experience in the real estate sector has allowed her to identify and enhance the strengths of the studio, benefiting both the team and the clients.

Client satisfaction is at the core of HCP‘s strategy. According to Elena, processes have been implemented to ensure fluid communication and effective collaboration between teams, creating a work environment where hierarchy does not hinder open and constructive dialogue. Team building events and the use of advanced tools such as an internal ERP system reinforce this organizational culture, which translates into a good client experience.

Elena explains that there is a constant effort at the firm to “make sure that in our decision-making we focus on achieving these strategic objectives by prioritizing our team and the way they work”. The talented and dedicated HCP team works together to meet and exceed client expectations.

Although strategy is the main focus, sustainability and innovation are not far behind. Elena emphasizes that the studio promotes a policy of sustainable development in all projects, integrating both advanced technologies and responsible practices that benefit the environment and society. This ensures that clients receive architectural solutions that are both innovative and sustainable.

From the HCP blog we would like to take this opportunity to thank NAN Arquitectura for granting us the interview. To read the full interview and learn more about Elena Pérez Bernal’s career and vision, visit the original article at NAN Arquitectura.